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Friday, March 30, 2012

Terms And Conditions for Getting Research Fund

General Conditions
·        **  Educational/research institutions and professional bodies registered under the societies Registration Act of 1860 will be eligible to receive for assistance for this scheme. Individuals applying for the assistance for partial financing of visits abroad or for visits to R & D Projects should do so through their respective organization.
·        **  Grants will be made for specific purposes and unless declared unconditional shall be subject to the implied conditions mentioned therein.
·        **  No part of grant shall be utilized by the grantee organization for creation of acquisition of permanent or semi-permanent assets unless specifically approved by DeitY in exceptional cases. The subsequent disposal of such assets will be undertaken by the grantee organization in accordance with such directives as may be given by DeitY in such case on merits.
·       **   The expenditure will be incurred by the organization concerned to which the grant is given according to the rules followed by that organization. The grantee organization shall render Utilization Certificate in Form GFR 19-A and Audited Statement of Accounts to the DeitY in respect of grant-in-aid within 30 days of completion of event.
·         The audit authorities as well as the Department of Electronics and Information Technology shall have the authority to call for such details and documents as they deem necessary in order to satisfy themselves that the grant has been utilized in accordance with rules & for the purpose for which it has been given and it shall be the duty of the grantee organization to furnish to the Audit authorities and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology the information and documents required by them.
·        **  The authority for sanctioning the grant-in-aid will be Hon'ble Minister, MCIT.
·         Only those requests will be considered where the organization is a reputed academic/R & D/Industries/Association/ Professional Bodies/Non-Professional Organization of high professional standing necessary for a National/International level event.
·        ** The organization's standing in the subject of event as evidenced by its prior activities be indicated.
·         Priority is to be given to the following categories:-
o    Specialized meetings/Conferences in emerging/Futuristic technologies or in the area of high societal impact.
o    Issues of current importance like choosing of technological alternatives, DeitY, Policy matters, assessment of future directions, technology assessment and forecasting etc.
·         An officer from DeitY should be made a member of the organizing Committee for amounts of Rs. 50,000/- and above to be released in each case.
·         "Recipients of grants will execute the prescribed bond as per Government instructions in force. They may also follow other instructions as given in GFR".
Specific Conditions Attached to the programmes Grant-in-aid for publications
The organizations applying for grant-in-aid should submit to the DeitY, the total estimated cost showing its break-up among various items, such as, paper, printing, etc. along with the applications.
  • The organization applying for such grant-in-aid should clearly indicate in its application the purpose for which assistance is required and the results proposed to be achieved by the publication.
  • 'Assistance will be available both for 'one-time' publications as well as for 'periodicals'.
  • The objective of supporting a periodical would be basically to put the deserving among them on their feet in the shortest possible time and will be admissible for a maximum period of five years.
  • The application for grant should clearly indicate whether the publication for which the financial assistance is sought is proposed to be sold and MIT, reserves the right to stipulate that the sole-proceeds of the publication shall be credited to government.
  • Two copies of the publication will be given to DeitY free of cost
Conditions Attached to grant for arranging seminars/symposia/exhibitions
  • The organization applying for grant-in-aid will state the purpose/objectives of the seminar/exhibitions and those will have to be approved by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, prior to any considerations.
  • The budget estimates will be submitted by the concerned organization separately:
    • Local; expense to cover transport, stationary and publication, etc.
    • Travel assistance and daily allowance to a selected specified few invitees to be decided by the organization who would not otherwise be able to attend;
    • Publication of proceedings.
    • Entertainment, refreshments etc. Normally grant-in-aid will not be given for expenditure under this head, unless exceptional reasons exist which would have to be fully explained.
    • Contingencies, which shall not exceed 10% of the budget estimates.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

political science and crime research challanges

Political science with crime analysis research

To Overcome these Problems you will become good researcher

¨ There is extremely restricted proof that directly addresses the question of whether the outputs and outcomes of policing activity in deprived and non-deprived are comparable.

¨ Available proof will counsel that where resources are directed at specific problems in deprived areas they will have an impression on crime reduction.

¨ Many of the successful interventions in deprived areas believe partnership/multiagency operating to deal with the inter-linked issues in such areas.

¨ The presence of multiple interventions makes it difficult if not impossible to determine whether outcomes, such as crime reduction, are directly attributable to police activity.

¨ The presence of multiple interventions makes it troublesome if not not possible to work out whether outcomes, like crime reduction, are directly due to police activity.

¨ Survey results recommend that folks who live in deprived areas specific additional negative views regarding the police than those in additional affluent areas. Reactions to the police are associated with demographic/socioeconomic characteristics and to private contact with the police.

¨ Irrespective of whether actual service delivery is related to deprivation, people’s perceptions of police activity are related to both disadvantage and police contact.

¨ Evidence from studies linking policing to regeneration suggests that a locally-based police presence can contribute to neighborhood confidence and renewal.

¨ Although policing services in deprived areas probably receive more resources than those in non-deprived areas, there are insufficient to cope with the higher demand. Inadequate resourcing may therefore make it impossible to provide the same level of service to everyone.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

how to start a spatial temporal crime research

This is a short note on how to start defining your topic of interest and zooming in on specific research problems and challenges.

1. decide a direction or research area of interest based on your background in crime (e.g., courses you have got taken, readings, conferences, talks to Professors, etc.). try and be as specific as potential. for instance do not decide it is too general, however maybe spatial temporal crime analysis' or crime analysis using algorithms'.

2. Compile a group of 'keywords' to begin finding out top quality readings for every of the previously selected topics. Smart places to start out your search are IEEE and standard journals.decide one research topic at a time. You can additionally search on the online (e.g., Google, or Google scholar) however please double check the publication details for quality (there are plenty of papers out there!).

3. Out of the search hits, choose around 15-20 papers that you simply assume are most associated with what you had in mind and are of the very best quality. do not scan of these papers yet! Check the title, abstract, names of authors, their affiliations, and most significantly the conference or journal.

4. For the chosen 15-20 papers scan only the abstract, introduction and conclusion in detail (you could skim the rest of the paper for a general idea). Determine the stress of every paper:

which problem it addresses,

what resolution it proposes,

how the answer differs from previous solutions, and

what are the most contributions and conclusions.

Out of those 15-20 papers, and based mostly on your reading and understanding, choose a listing of 4-6 papers that you simply assume are the very best quality which address your research interests and also the challenges within the field most appropriately.

Read those 4-6 papers from starting to end, identifying in detail:

(I) the main approaches,

(II) methods of analysis:

(a) metrics,

(b) analysis tools,

(c) analysis and interpretation of resulting simulation or measured data,

(III) conclusions.

At identical time, attempt to keep a listing of what you think that the authors could have missed within the paper, gaps or limitations that would be improved upon and any concepts on the way to accomplish these enhancements.

6. Write a research proposal defining, as clearly as possible, the following items:

  • Research Motivation
  • Research challenges
  • Overview of existing work and Drawbacks
  • Limitations of existing work
  • Potential directions and ideas for improvement
  • Expected results and impact on the field.

spatial temporal crime analysis in vechical crime

The aim of the clustering research is to identify subgroups of instance in a vehicle crime density. In this research, we implement a two-step clustering algorithm which is well-suited when we deal with a large dataset. It combines the ability of the K-Means clustering to handle a very large dataset, and the ability of the subspace Hierarchical clustering to give a visual presentation of the results called “Histogram”. This one describes the clustering process, starting from rough clusters, until the whole dataset belongs to one cluster. It is especially helpful when we want to detect the appropriate number of clusters. We perform the clustering algorithm on the hidden variables supplied by a PCA computed from the original variables.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spatial temporal analysis of apartment hotspot detection

A Research in Constraint-Based Clustering

1. What are the differences between supervised clustering and supervised classification?

2. We proposed an efficient method that clusters hotspot houses by taking obstacles as constraints, such as gardens and forest. In many cases, one may like to cluster hotspot houses by considering high way-distance and the (specified) speed on the highway road. For example, two nearby houses without close-by highway access should not be considered close, and hotspot houses linked by 20 minutes local, slow highway should be considered even "farther" than those linked by 10-minutes highway roads. Can you work out an efficient clustering algorithm under such constraints?

  1. Why does the researcher guidance often lead to meaningful spatial clustering? Suppose you want to build a user-guided clustering mechanism for On-line shopping.